Sailor Moon Enemies
This is the rest of the sailor moon baddies from invisible shadows.
Unfortunately, the sailor starlights have to have a home here. Freeservers didn't give me enough pages, but that's ok! Just remember that the sailor starlights aren't bad!
July 26 2003
I added a few pages! The cats page and adoptions!
July 26 2003
Sailor star fighter attack on page!
Sailor star maker attack on page!
Sailor star healers attack wouldn't go on for some reason
July 30 2003
MY computer crashed and I have lots of updating to do!
Augest 12 2003
Sailor baddies to sailor star healer page updated
Augest 14 2003
Dark Shadows
Sorry that I couldn't fit all the baddies on invisibleshadows but stupid freeservers wouldn't let me fit it :P
I know this is a pain in the ass but sorry.
Invisible shadows
Come one come all